Our 11 courses (projects) were approved for the 2024University-level Teaching Reform and Construction Project
发布日期:2024-05-13 04:21:39   发布人:best365体育官网平台英文版

 In order to fully implementthe fundamental task of establishing moral education, accelerating theconstruction of higher vocational education, promoting the revolution ofclassroom teaching, and improving the quality of talent cultivation, the Officeof Academic Affairs initiated the work of teaching reform and constructionprojects. After expert evaluation, our college was approved 11 projects, arecord high in the number of projects in previous years. Among them, there are4 items of school course Civic and Political Leadership Courses, 4 items ofschool key courses (professional basic courses), 2 items of school key courses(other), and 1 item of school-level key teaching reform project (see the annexfor details).

The School of Energy and Materialscontinues to deepen undergraduate education reform and construction efforts,stimulate the vitality and effectiveness of education and teachingachievements, and promote the continuous improvement of education quality withpractical actions.

Attachment: School of Energy andMaterials 2024 School-level Teaching Reform and Construction Project List
