姓名:王德兵(Wang Debing) |
职称:讲师 |
电子邮件:dbwang@sspu.edu.cn |
办公地点:28号楼228 |
团队主页:无 |
2024.11~至今 best365官网下载最新版本 best365体育官网平台 讲师
2020.09~2024.07 同济大学 环境科学与工程 博士
2017.09~2020.06 best365官网下载最新版本 环境工程 硕士
2015.07~2016.08 山东汇海医药化工有限公司 环保部科员
2011.09~2015.06 济南大学 环境科学 学士
1. 太阳能热利用与存储
2. 污水处理与资源化利用
3. 新型环境功能材料开发及水处理性能应用
1. 中国工程热物理学会传质传热分会“王补宣-过增元青年优秀论文二等奖”(口头报告),2018
2. 研究生国家奖学金,2019
3. 上海市优秀毕业生,2019
1. Mingming Pan, Debing Wang*, LinglingWang*, Nannan Dong, Huaqing Xie, Wei Yu. Controllable heat release of supercooledErythritol-based phase change materials for long-term thermal energy storage.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 499: 156058.
2. Debing Wang, Fengrui Yang, ShiyingBu, Chenqi Zhu, Jiaqi Meng, Jie Zhang*, Zhichao Wu. Photothermal activation of peroxydisulfatefor simultaneous solar evaporation and water purification using non-poweredcapillary fabric. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2024, 12(5):113480.
3. Fengrui Yang, Debing Wang*, XinyingZhang, Jie Zhang, Zhichao Wu, Qiaoying Wang*. Synergistic effects ofperoxydisulfate on UV/O3 process for tetracycline degradation:mechanism and pathways. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2024: 109599.
4. Fengrui Yang, Debing Wang*, JieZhang, Qiaoying Wang, Zhichao Wu. In-Situ photothermal regeneration of fulvicAcid-Saturated Co@NC magnetic nanoparticles via persulfate oxidation.Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 328: 125133.
5. Debing Wang, Yun Liu, Qiaoying Wang,Fengrui Yang, Jia Liu, Weijie Hu, Jie Zhang*, Zhichao Wu. Activation ofperoxydisulfate via photothermal synergistic strategy for wastewater treatment:Efficiency and mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 436: 129224.
6. Yun Liu, Rong Huang, Weijie Hu, Lifeng Lin,Jia Liu, Qiaoying Wang, Debing Wang*, Zhichao Wu, Jie Zhang*.High-performance photothermal conversion of sludge derived biochar and itspotential for peroxydisulfate-based advanced oxidation processes. Separationand Purification Technology, 2022, 303: 122214.
7. Debing Wang, Yuxin Fang, Wei Yu*,Lingling Wang, Huaqing Xie, Yanan Yue*. Significant solar energy absorption ofMXene Ti3C2Tx nanofluids via localized surfaceplasmon resonance. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2021, 220:110850.
8. Debing Wang, Wenwen Liang, ZhihengZheng*, Peiyu Jia, Yunrui Yan, Huaqing Xie, Lingling Wang, Wei Yu*. Highlyefficient energy harvest via external rotating magnetic field for oil basednanofluid direct absorption solar collector. Green Energy & Environment,2021, 6(2): 298-307.
9. 王德兵, 汪玲玲, 于伟, 谢华清. 一种可直接使用的磁性光热纳米流体. 工程热物理学报, 2020.
10. Debing Wang, Yanlin Jia, Yan He*,Lingling Wang, Jinghong Fan, Huaqing Xie, Wei Yu*. Enhanced photothermalconversion properties of magnetic nanofluids through rotating magnetic fieldfor direct absorption solar collector. Journal of colloid and interfacescience, 2019, 557: 266-275.
11. Debing Wang, Yanlin Jia, Yan He,Lingling Wang*, Huaqing Xie, Wei Yu*. Photothermal efficiency enhancement of ananofluid-based direct absorption solar collector utilizing magnetic nano-rotor.Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 199: 111996.
12. Debing Wang, Lingling Wang, GuihuaZhu, Wei Yu*, Jia Zeng, Xiaoxiao Yu, Huaqing Xie, Guangwei Xian, Qiang Li.Magnetic photothermal nanofluids with excellent reusability for directabsorption solar collectors. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2018,1(8):3860-3868.