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  2022~ 现在 best365官网下载最新版本 best365体育官网平台 教授

  2019 ~ 2022同济大学 电子与信息工程学院 副教授

  2014 ~ 2018同济大学 电子与信息工程学院 助理教授

  2012 ~ 2014清华大学 工程力学系 博士后

  2007 ~ 2012清华大学 工程力学系 动力工程及工程热物理 博士研究生(直博)

  2003 ~ 2007清华大学 工程力学系 热能与动力工程 本科

  2000 ~ 2003湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州民族中学 高中





  1. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质分会秘书(http://www.heatmasstransfer.cn)


  1.一种基于流场的无人车路径规划方法.国家发明专利.专利授权号: CN108106623B,授权时间: 2021-06-04.

  2.一种动态环境下的基于流场的轨迹规划方法.国家发明专利.专利授权号: CN107992039B,授权时间: 2020-11-27.


  1. Aeolux风电场流场数值模拟软件.计算机软件著作权.专利授权号: 2013SR129237, 2013.

  2. Aeolux风电场微观选址优化软件.计算机软件著作权.专利授权号: 2013SR129181, 2013.

  3. Aeolux流场三维可视化软件.计算机软件著作权.专利授权号: 2013SR129185, 2013.

  4.风电场地形数据网格化软件(AeoluxGridData).计算机软件著作权.专利授权号: 2009SRBJ5538, 2009.



  l  本科专业为热能与动力工程或其他与传热传质、能源动力、力学相关的专业;

  l  英语水平好,能够阅读英文学术论文;

  l  掌握至少一门计算机编程语言;

  l  工作态度端正,努力追求上进,具有较强的自学能力;

  l  思维活跃、善于交流(非常重要)。


  1. XiangBo Chen,XiaoNian Wang*, MengXuan Song. Uncertainty-guided feature mixing andcross-decoupled pseudo supervision for semi-supervised semantic segmentation.2022 17th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision(ICARCV), Singapore, 2022.

  2. ChunYu Feng,XiaoNian Wang, YangYang Zhang, ChengFeng Zhao, MengXuan Song*. CASwinTransformer: a hierarchical cross attention transformer for depth completion.2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITSC), Aomen, China, 2022.

  3. Kai Chen*,JiaJun Zhang, XiaoLing Wu, MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. Hot spot temperatureoptimization of customized region in multi-region integrated system based onvariational method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 193:122964,2022.

  4. ChaoJie Zhang,Jun Wang*, MengXuan Song. A convolution based grid map reconfiguration methodfor autonomous driving in highly constrained environments. The 33rd IEEEIntelligent Vehicles Symposium, Aachen, Germany, 2022.

  5. Yi Wen, MengXuanSong*, Jun Wang. Wind farm layout optimization with uncertain wind condition.Energy Conversion and Management 256:115347, 2022.

  6. MengXuan Song,Kai Chen*, Xing Zhang*. Optimization of the volume-to-point heat conductionproblem with automatic differentiation based approach. International Journal ofHeat and Mass Transfer 177:121552, 2021.

  7. Kai Chen,JunSheng Hou, XiaoLing Wu*, YiMing Chen, MengXuan Song, ShuangFeng Wang*. Designof flow pattern in air-cooled battery thermal management system. InternationalJournal of Energy Research 45(6):9541-9554, 2021.

  8. JiaJun Zhang,XiaoLing Wu, Kai Chen, Dan Zhou, MengXuan Song. Experimental and numericalstudies on an efficient transient heat transfer model for air-cooled batterythermal management systems. Journal of Power Sources 490:229539, 2021.

  9. Kai Chen,JunSheng Hou, MengXuan Song, ShuangFeng Wang*, Wei Wu, YanLai Zhang. Design ofbattery thermal management system based on phase change material and heat pipe.Applied Thermal Engineering 188:116665, 2021.

  10. Kai Chen*,YiMing Chen, MengXuan Song, ShuangFeng Wang*. Multi-parameter structure designof parallel mini-channel cold plate for battery thermal management.International Journal of Energy Research 44(6):4321-4334, 2020.

  11. Kai Chen*,YiMing Chen, YiQi She, MengXuan Song, ShuangFeng Wang, Lin Chen. Constructionof effective symmetrical air-cooled system for battery thermal management.Applied Thermal Engineering 166:114679, 2020.

  12. MengXuan Song,Kai Chen, Jun Wang*. A two-level approach for three-dimensional micro-sitingoptimization of large-scale wind farms. Energy 190:116340, 2020.

  13. Qiu Fang, ZheLi*, YaoNan Wang, MengXuan Song, Jun Wang. A neural-network enhanced modelingmethod for real-time evaluation of the temperature distribution in a datacenter. Neural Computing & Applications 31(12):8379-8391, 2019.

  14. YinQi Liu,MengXuan Song*, YaFeng Guo. An incremental fusing method for high-difinitionmap updating. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man andCybernetics:4251-4256, Bari, Italy, 2019.

  15. MengXuan Song,Nan Wang, Tim Gordon, Jun Wang*. Flow-field guided steering control for rigidautonomous ground vehicles in low-speed manoeuvring. Vehicle System Dynamics57(8):1090-1107, 2019.

  16. MengXuan Song,Timothy Gordon, YinQi Liu, Jun Wang*. Flow field and neural network guidedsteering control for rigid autonomous vehicles. 26th Symposium of theInternational Association of Vehicle System Dynamics, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2019.

  17. Kai Chen,MengXuan Song, Wei Wei, ShuangFeng Wang*. Design of the structure of batterypack in parallel air-cooled battery thermal management system for coolingefficiency improvement. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer132:309-321, 2019.

  18. Bin Xu,XiaoNian Wang*, MengXuan Song. Extending the dynamic stixel world with B-splinebased road estimation for obstacle detection. 2018 Chinese Automation Congress,Xian, China, 2018.

  19. Qiu Fang, QiWang, MengXuan Song*, Jun Wang. Control-oriented modelling and evaluation forthe temperature distribution in data-centers. 16th International Heat TransferConference, Beijing, China, 2018.

  20. Kai Chen,MengXuan Song, Wei Wei, ShuangFeng Wang*. Structure optimization of parallelair-cooled battery thermal management system with U-type flow for coolingefficiency improvement. Energy 145:603, 2018.

  21. MengXuan Song,Kai Chen, Jun Wang*. Three-dimensional wind turbine positioning using Gaussianparticle swarm optimization with differential evolution. Journal of WindEngineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 172:317-324, 2018.

  22. Nan Wang,MengXuan Song, Jun Wang*, Timothy Gordon. A flow-field guided method of pathplanning for unmanned ground vehicle. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,Melbourne, Australia, 2017.

  23. Kai Chen*, ZeYuLi, YiMing Chen, ShuMing Long, JunSheng Hou, MengXuan Song, ShuangFeng Wang*.Design of parallel air-cooled battery thermal management system throughnumerical study. Energies 10(10):1677, 2017.

  24. Qiu Fang, JunWang*, Qi Gong, MengXuan Song. Thermal-aware energy management of an HPC datacenter via two-time-scale control. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics13(5):2260-2269, 2017.

  25. MengXuan Song,Yi Wen, Bin Duan, Jun Wang*, Qi Gong. Micro-siting optimization of a wind farmbuilt in multiple phases. Energy 137:95-103, 2017.

  26. Kai Chen, XingZhang*, MengXuan Song, ZhongYang He. Anemometer positioning optimization forflow field calculation in wind farm. Journal of Energy Engineering 143(5):4017038,2017.

  27. MengXuan Song,Kai Chen, Jun Wang*. Numerical study on the optimized control of CRACs in adata center based on fast temperature predicting model. Journal of EnergyEngineering 143(5):4017041, 2017.

  28. Kai Chen*,ShuangFeng Wang*, MengXuan Song, Lin Chen. Structure optimization of air-cooledbattery thermal management system. International Journal of Heat and MassTransfer 111:943-952, 2017.

  29. MengXuan Song,Nan Wang, Tim Gordon, Jun Wang*. A fluid dynamics approach to motion controlfor rigid autonomous ground vehicles. International Symposium on Dynamics ofVehicles on Roads and Tracks, Queensland, Australia, 2017.

  30. Kai Chen,ShuangFeng Wang*, MengXuan Song, Lin Chen. Configuration optimization ofbattery pack in parallel air-cooled battery thermal management system using anoptimization strategy. Applied Thermal Engineering 123:177-186, 2017.

  31. Kai Chen,ShuangFeng Wang*, MengXuan Song. Heat source layout optimization intwo-dimensional heat conduction using simulated annealing method. InternationalJournal of Heat and Mass Transfer 108,PartA:210-219, 2017.

  32. Yi Wen,MengXuan Song*, Jun Wang. Wind speed forecasting based on wavelet decompositionand the combined regression method. The First Asian Conference on ThermalSciences, Jeju, Korea, 2017.

  33. Yi Wen,MengXuan Song, Jun Wang*. A combined AR-kNN model for short-term wind speedforecasting. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control:6342-6346, Las Vegas, USA,2016.

  34. MengXuan Song,BingHeng Wu, Kai Chen, Xing Zhang, Jun Wang*. Simulating the wake flow effectof wind turbines on velocity and turbulence using particle random walk method.Energy 116,Part 1:583-591, 2016.

  35. Kai Chen*,MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang, ShuangFeng Wang. Wind turbine layout optimizationwith multiple hub height wind turbines using greedy algorithm. Renewable Energy96(Part A):676-686, 2016.

  36. Kai Chen,ShuangFeng Wang*, MengXuan Song. Temperature-gradient-aware bionic optimizationmethod for heat source distribution in heat conduction. International Journalof Heat and Mass Transfer 100:737-746, 2016.

  37. MengXuan Song,Han Zhu, Qiu Fang, Jun Wang*. Thermal-aware load balancing in a server rack.IEEE Conference on Control Applications:462-467, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2016.

  38. Jie Liu,MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, BingHeng Wu, Xing Zhang*. An optimization methodologyfor wind lens profile using Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation. Energy109:602-611, 2016.

  39.祝涵,宋梦譞,方遒,王峻.数据中心动态温度估计模型.工程热物理学报37(3):602-608, 2016.

  40. Kai Chen,ShuangFeng Wang*, MengXuan Song. Optimization of heat source distribution fortwo-dimensional heat conduction using bionic method. International Journal ofHeat and Mass Transfer 93:108-117, 2016.

  41. MengXuan Song,Kai Chen, Xing Zhang, Jun Wang*. Optimization of wind turbine micro-siting forreducing the sensitivity of power generation to wind direction. RenewableEnergy 85:57-65, 2016.

  42.丁勇钢,张兴*,宋梦譞,陈凯,吴兵恒.水平轴风力机后掠式叶片设计方法研究.工程热物理学报36(11):2481-2486, 2015.

  43. MengXuan Song,Xing Zhang*, Jun Wang, Qi Gong. Three-dimensional micro-siting of wind farm oncomplex terrains. International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for EnergyConservation and Pollution Control:IWHT2015-1144, Taipei, Taiwan, 2015.

  44. WeiTing Qiao,Jun Wang*, MengXuan Song, Yi Wen. Wind farm micro-siting based onauto-regressive wind prediction. IEEE Conference on Control Applications,Sydney, Australia, 2015.

  45. Han Zhu, JunWang*, MengXuan Song, Qiu Fang. Thermal-aware load provisioning for serverclusters by using model predictive control. IEEE Conference on ControlApplications:336-340, Sydney, Australia, 2015.

  46. MengXuan Song,Kai Chen, Xing Zhang*, Jun Wang. The lazy greedy algorithm for poweroptimization of wind turbine positioning on complex terrain. Energy 80:567-574,2015.

  47.吴兵恒,宋梦譞,陈凯,何仲阳,张兴*.基于粒子尾流模型的风电场风资源评估系统.工程热物理学报35(12):2442-2446, 2014.

  48. Kai Chen,MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. Binary-real coding genetic algorithm for windturbine positioning in wind farm. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy6:53115, 2014.

  49. Kai Chen,MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. The iteration method for tower height matching inwind farm design. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics132:37-48, 2014.

  50. Kai Chen,MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. The investigation on computational grids in windturbine positioning optimization using greedy algorithm. Chinese ScienceBulletin 59(26):3304-3313, 2014.

  51. MengXuan Song,BingHeng Wu, Kai Chen, ZhongYang He, Xing Zhang*. Numerical assessment andoptimization of wind farm on complex terrain. The 15th International HeatTransfer Conference:IHTC15-8834, Kyoto, Japan, 2014.

  52. Kai Chen,MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. The random walking method for steady linearconvection-diffusion equation with axisymmetric disc boundary. Science China TechnologicalSciences 57(4):804-810, 2014.

  53. MengXuan Song,Kai Chen, ZhongYang He, Xing Zhang*. Optimization of wind farm micro-siting forcomplex terrain using greedy algorithm. Energy 67:454-459, 2014.

  54. MengXuan Song,Kai Chen, ZhongYang He, Xing Zhang*. Wind resource assessment on complexterrain based on observations of a single anemometer. Journal of WindEngineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 125:22-29, 2014.

  55.吴兵恒,宋梦譞,陈凯,张兴*.单台风力机风速和气温的实时预测系统开发.工程热物理学报35(2):295-298, 2014.

  56. BingHeng Wu,MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, ZhongYang He, Xing Zhang*. Wind power predictionsystem for wind farm based on auto regressive statistical model and physicalmodel. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 6:13101, 2014.

  57. MengXuan Song,BingHeng Wu, Xing Zhang*. Design of a real-time forecasting system of windfarm. International Symposium on Innovative Materials for Processes in EnergySystems, Fukuoka, Japan, 2013.

  58. Kai Chen,MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. A statistical method to merge wind cases for windpower assessment of wind farm. Journal of Wind Engineering and IndustrialAerodynamics 119:69-77, 2013.

  59.宋梦譞,何仲阳,陈凯,张兴.风电场微观选址软件的应用.工程热物理学报34(7):1299-1302, 2013.

  60. Kai Chen,MengXuan Song, ZhongYang He, Xing Zhang*. Wind turbine positioning optimizationof wind farm using greedy algorithm. Journal of Renewable and SustainableEnergy 5:23128, 2013.

  61.陈凯,宋梦譞,张兴*.能质扩散尾流模型的数值研究.工程热物理学报34(4):724-727, 2013.

  62. Kai Chen,MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. The investigation of tower height matching optimizationfor wind turbine positioning in the wind farm. Journal of Wind Engineering andIndustrial Aerodynamics 114:83-95, 2013.

  63. MengXuan Song,Kai Chen, ZhongYang He, Xing Zhang*. Bionic optimization for micro-siting ofwind farm on complex terrain. Renewable Energy 50:551-557, 2013.

  64. Kai Chen,MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. Kinetomass model for wake flow simulation of windturbine. The Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan,2012.

  65. MengXuan Song,Kai Chen, ZhongYang He, Xing Zhang*. Particle model for wake flow simulation ofwind turbines on complex terrain. The Twelfth Kyoto - Tsinghua - Seoul NationalUniversity Thermal Engineering Conference:55-60, Kyoto, Japan, 2012.

  66. MengXuan Song,Kai Chen, ZhongYang He, Xing Zhang*. Wake flow model of wind turbine usingparticle simulation. Renewable Energy 41:185-190, 2012.

  67.何仲阳,宋梦譞,张兴*.地表温度对风场模拟的影响.化工学报63(S1):7月11日, 2012.

  68.吴兵恒,宋梦譞,陈凯,张兴*.风电场的大涡数值模拟.工程热物理学报33(4):677-680, 2012.

  69. MengXuan Song,Xing Zhang*. Micro-siting technology of wind farm and its software development.International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conversation andPollution Control:IWHT2011-117, Xi'an, China, 2011.

  70. MengXuan Song,Xing Zhang*. Micro-siting technology of wind farm on complex terrain. TheAsia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering, Beijing, China, 2011.

  71.宋梦譞,陈凯,张兴,王峻.基于CFD的风电场微观选址软件的开发.工程热物理学报32(6):989-992, 2011.

  72. TingTing Miao,MengXuan Song, WeiGang Ma, Xing Zhang*. Theoretical calculations ofthermophysical properties of single-wall carbon nanotube bundles. ChinesePhysics B 20:56501, 2011.

  73.陈凯,宋梦譞,张兴*,王峻.基于浓度扩散的风力机尾流模型.化工学报62(S1):54-59, 2011.

  74. MengXuan Song,Kai Chen, Xing Zhang*, Jun Wang. Bionic optimization for wind farm micro-sitingbased on CFD calculations. The Seventh International Conference on FlowDynamics:142-143, Sendai, Japan, 2010.

  75. Kai Chen,MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*, Jun Wang. Mass diffusive wake model formicro-siting optimization of wind farm. The Seventh International Conference onFlow Dynamics:144-145, Sendai, Japan, 2010.

  76. MengXuan Song,Kai Chen, Xing Zhang*. Wind farm micrositing technology and its softwaredevelopment. The Tenth Kyoto - Seoul National - Tsinghua University ThermalEngineering Conference:46-51, Beijing, China, 2010.

  77. MengXuan Song,Kai Chen, Xing Zhang*, Jun Wang. Developing the software for wind turbinemicro-siting with CFD calculations. The 4th International Symposium on the EastAsian Environmental Problems:217-221, Shanghai, China, 2010.

  78. BingHeng Wu,MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, Xing Zhang*. Large eddy simulation of wind farm. The4th International Symposium on the East Asian Environmental Problems:229-234,Shanghai, China, 2010.

  79. Kai Chen,MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*, Jun Wang. Bionic optimization for micro-siting ofwind farm. The 4th International Symposium on the East Asian EnvironmentalProblems:223-228, Shanghai, China, 2010.

  80. ZhongYang He,MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. Numerical simulation of wind flow over complexterrain in curvilinear grid system. The 4th International Symposium on the EastAsian Environmental Problems:211-216, Shanghai, China, 2010.

  81. MengXuan Song,Kai Chen, Xing Zhang*, Jun Wang. Bionic optimization for wind farm micrositingbased on CFD calculations. The Seventh International Conference on FlowDynamics:142-143, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, 2010.

  82.宋梦譞,严环,张兴*.多壁碳纳米管热物性参数的理论计算.工程热物理学报29(10):1715-1718, 2008.
