姓名:董岚(Dong Lan) | |
职称:副教授/研究生导师 | |
电子邮件:donglan@sspu.edu.cn | |
办公地点:28号楼234室 | |
团队主页:无 |
2022~至今 best365官网下载最新版本 best365体育官网平台 副教授
2020~2022best365官网下载最新版本 best365体育官网平台 讲师
2018~2020上海交通大学 机械与动力工程流动站 博士后研究员
2015~2018同济大学 凝聚态物理专业 博士
2013~2015同济大学 凝聚态物理专业 硕士
1. 高分子聚合物、有机纳米复合材料热传导研究;
2. 微纳尺度界面热输运机理研究;
3. 有机高分子热电系统研究。
1. 上海市科委纵向项目,纳米复合导电聚合物热界面材料的开发与热输运机理研究,2023.01-2025.12,50万元,在研,主持;
2. 上海市青年科技启明星计划(A类),导电聚合物与无机材料界面上的电子、声子热输运研究,2021.07-2024.06,40万元,在研,主持;
3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,一维导电聚合物纳米纤维的热输运机理研究,2021.01-2023.12,24万元,在研,主持。
4.国家自然科学基金面上项目,导电聚噻吩及其衍生物薄膜的导热性能研究及应用,2020.1-2023.12,61万元,参与 排名第二。
RenewableEnergy、Scientific Reports、AIP Advances、Journal of Thermal Science等知名SCI国际期刊审稿人。
1. 上海市青年科技启明星,2021年
1.Lan Dong,Bohai Liu, Yuanyuan Wang*, Xiangfanxu*, TunableThermal Conductivity of Ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE) Nanofibers via Molecular BondModulation. Chinese Physics Letters, 39, 127201(2022).
2.Lan Dong, Chengpeng Bao, Shiqian Hu,Yuanyuan Wang, Zihua Wu*, Huaqing Xie, Xiangfan Xu*,Coupling electronic and phonon thermaltransport in Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate) nanofibers.Nanomaterials, 12, 1282(2022).
3.Lan Dong,Yifan Li*, Experimental identification of topographybasedartifact phenomenon for micro-/nanoscale thermal characterization of polymericmaterials in scanning thermal microscopy. AIP Advances, 12, 045311(2022).
4. Qing Xi, Aiyiti Adili,Lan Dong*,Yuanyuan Wang, Jun Zhou*, Xiangfan Xu*, Dimension reduction induced anisotropicmagnetic thermal conductivity in hematite nanowires. Physical Review B, 104,245416(2021).
5.Lan Dong, Xiangshui Wu, Yue Hu, XiangfanXu*, Hua Bao*, Suppressed thermal conductivity with unapparent size effect ofpolycrystalline gold nanofilm. Chinese Physics Letters, 38, 027202(2021).
6.Lan Dong, Qing Xi, Jun Zhou*,Xiangfan Xu*, Baowen Li, Phonon renormalization induced by electric field inferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE) nanofibers. Physical Review Applied, 13,034019(2020).
7.Lan Dong, Qing Xi, Xiangfan Xu,Baowen Li et al, Dimensional crossover of heat conduction in amorphousPolyimide nanofibers. National Science Review, 5, 500-506(2018).
8.Lan Dong, Xiangfan Xu*, Baowen Li,High thermal conductivity and superior thermal stability of amorphous PMDAODAnanofiber. Applied Physics Letters,112, 221904(2018).
9. Jiawei Wang, Zihua Wu,Huaqing Xie, Tingting Wang, Yuanyuan Wang, Yueming Huang, Lan Dong,Effect of Different Soft Segment Contents on the Energy Storage Capacity andPhoto-Thermal Performance of Polyurethane-Based/Graphene Oxide CompositeSolid–Solid Phase Change Materials. Polymers, 14, 5161(2022). 中科院二区
10. Jiawei Wang, ZihuaWu, Huaqing Xie, Tingting Wang, Yuanyuan Wang, Yueming Huang, Lan Dong,Graphene oxide/polyurethane-based composite solid–solid phase change materialswith enhanced energy storage. International Journal of Energy Research,1-13(2022).中科院一区
11.Yifan Li,Haiping Xu, Yuan Zhang,Lan Dong, Chuanjiao Liu, Huaqing Xie, Wei Yu,Paving 3D interconnected Cring-C3N4@rGO skeleton for polymer composites withefficient thermal management performance yet high electrical insulation.International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 135, 106147(2022).
12. Yinong Liu, Weina Ren*, Meng An, Lan Dong, Lei Gao, Xuxia Shai,Tingting Wei, Linru Nie, Shiqian Hu*, Chunhua Zeng*, A Qualitative Study of theDisorder Effect on the Phonon Transport in a Two-Dimensional Graphene/h-BNHeterostructure. Frontiers in Materials, 9, 913764(2022).
13. Bohai Liu, Yu Zhou,Lan Dong, Qinghua Lu*, Xiangfan Xu*,Enhanced thermal conductivity in copolymerized polyimide. iScience, 25,105451(2022).