姓名:吴子华 | |
职称:教授 | |
电子邮件:wuzihua@sspu.edu.cn | |
通讯地址:上海市浦东新区金海路2360号 | |
团队主页:无 |
2016~至今 best365官网下载最新版本 best365体育官网平台 教授
2005~2008中科院上海硅酸盐研究所 材料物理与化学专业 博士
2002~2005重庆大学 (重庆大学与中科院物理所联合培养)凝聚态物理专业 硕士
1998~2002聊城大学 物理学专业 学士
1. 热电材料与器件;
2. 光热转换材料;
3. 太阳能光电和光热利用系统。
1. 国家自然科学基金(面上):纳米化对热电材料优值以及器件产热和传热过程影响的机制研究,2017--2020。
2. 国家自然科学基金(青年):氧化锌基纳米复合高温热电材料热导及热电性能调控的研究,2012--2015。
3. 上海市曙光计划:纳米热电材料内热电效应耦合及其对性能影响,2018--2022。
4. 上海市自然科学基金:基于纳米流体的热电发电系统热量传递过程优化研究,2021-2024。
1. Zhang J, Zhai H, Wu Z H*, Wang Y Y, Xie H Q*, Experimental investigation of novel integrated photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid devices with enhanced performance. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2020. 215: 110666
2. Zhang J, Zhai H, Wu Z H*, Wang Y Y, Xie H Q, Zhang M J, Enhanced performance of photovoltaic–thermoelectric coupling devices with thermal interface materials. Energy Reports, 2020. 6:116-122
3. Liu A B, Xie H Q, Li Y H, Wang Y Y, Yu E H, Cai X D, Wu Z H *, Improving the performance of TEM embedded with paraffin-based phase change materials with different thermal conductivity. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 20: 054701
4. Yu S Q, Wu Z H*, Feng F, Luan F Y, Wang Y Y, Xie H Q, Template-Free fabrication of silicon micropillar structures by a one-step Masking/MACE composite method. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020. 3(10):9889-9896
5. Liu A B, Xie H Q, Wang Y Y, Mao J H, Xing J J, Li Y H, Wu Z H*, Effect of geometrical structure of embedded phase change material on the power generation of thermoelectric module Thermal Science 2018 22(6): 2691-2698
6. Mao J H, Xie H Q, Liu A B, Wang Y Y, Li Y H, Xing J J, Wu Z H*, Power generation by thermoelectric generator using different amount of phase change materials. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 2018 32(3): 799-805
7. Xing J J, Wu Z H*, Xie H Q, Wang Y Y, Li Y H, Mao J H, Performance of thermoelectric generator with graphene nanofluid cooling. Chinese Physics B, 2017. 26(10): 034402
8. Li Y H, Wu Z H*, Xie H Q, Xing J J, Mao J H, Wang Y Y, Li Z, Study on the performance of TEG with heat transfer enhancement using graphene-water nanofluid for a TEG cooling system. Science China-Technological Sciences, 2017. 60(8):1168
9. 邢姣娇,吴子华*,谢华清,王元元,毛建辉,纳米流体强化冷端传热对热电发电效率的影响.工程热物理学报, 2016. 37(7):1523-1526
10. 吴子华,谢华清*,王元元,毛建辉,邢姣娇,李奕怀,聚对苯撑纳米复合提升ZnO基热电材料性能.无机材料学报, 2016. 31(11):1249-1254
11. Wu Z H,Xie H Q*,Zhai Y B,Preparation and thermoelectric properties of Co-doped ZnO synthesized by Sol–Gel. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2015,15(4):3147-3150
12. Wu Z H,Xie H Q*,Wang Y Y, Xing J J, Mao J H, Nanojunctions Contributing to High Performance Thermoelectric ZnO-Based Inorganic–Organic Hybrids. Chinese Physics Letters, 2015, 32(11): 117303
13. Wu Z H,Xie H Q*,Zhai Y B,Gan L H,Liu J,Enhanced thermoelectric performance of TiO2-based hybrid materials by incorporating conducting polymer. Chinese Physics B,2015,24(3):034402
(1)吴子华 吴子华;余思琦;谢华清;赵诚;王元元;王孝侠;硅基微米柱/纳米线复合结构的制备方法, 20215-1,中国, ZL201910811705.4
(2)吴子华 吴子华;林锦豪;谢华清;李奕怀;一种硫化亚铜复合碳化硅块体热电材料的制备方法, 2019-8-20,中国, 201910767034.6
(3)吴子华 吴子华;谢华清;李奕怀;刘安邦;王元元;邢姣娇;同步测试纳米流体传热系数及其对热电发电系 统发电效率影响规律的系统和方法, 2019-7-2,中国, ZL201610505891.5
(4)吴子华 吴子华;谢华清;毛建辉;王元元;邢姣娇;一种利用相变材料储热功能提高热电发电效率的系统, 2019-12-28,中国, ZL201610505846.X
(5)吴子华 吴子华;谢华清;毛建辉;王元元;邢姣娇;一种利用强化介质纳米流体降低热电器件冷端温度的系统, 2018-12-28,中国, ZL201610505857.8
(6)吴子华 吴子华;王婷婷;谢华清;王元元;黄玥铭;王嘉伟;一种炭黑骨胶纳米流体光热转换材料的制备方 法, 2022-1-21,中国, 202210076611.9
(7)吴子华 吴子华;张佳;谢华清;王元元;丁苏莹;封芬;一体化光伏热电耦合器件及其制作方法, 2021-61,中国, ZL201911213399.0