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发布时间:2021-10-12 20:59:08   发布人: best365体育官网平台

  姓名: 李一凡


  电子邮件: liyf@sspu.edu.cn






















  Jiahua Zhu, Yifan Li. Method of operating scanning thermal microscopy probe for quantitative mapping of thermal conductivity, US 11162978B2


        25.Chenggong Zhao,Yifan Li,*Yicheng Liu, Huaqing Xie, Wei Yu**, Acritical review of the preparation strategies of thermally conductive andelectrically insulating polymeric materials and their applications in heatdissipation of electronic devices. Advanced Composite and Hybrid Materials.Accepted

        24.Yuan Zhang,Yifan Li*, Lan Donng, Yicheng Liu, Junhui Fan, Qiuxing Lei,Huaqing Xie, Wei Yu**, Robust Smart Fabrics Composed of MgO NanostructuresEncapsulated in Hollow Polystyrene Fibers for Efficient Thermoregulation, ACSApplied Nano Materials, Doi:10.1021/acsanm.2c03787

        23.Yifan Li, Yuan Zhang, Yicheng Liu, Huaqing Xie, Wei Yu*, A ComprehensiveReview for Micro/Nanoscale Thermal Mapping Technology Based on Scanning ThermalMicroscopy, Journal of Thermal Science, 31 (4), 976-1007 (2022)

        22.Yifan Li, Haiping Xu*,Yuan Zhang, Lan Dong, Chuanjiao Liu, Huaqing Xie, Wei Yu*, Paving 3Dinterconnected Cring-C3N4@ rGO skeleton for polymercomposites with efficient thermal management performance yet high electricalinsulation, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 135106417(2022).

        21.Yifan Li*, Yuan Zhang, Yicheng Liu, Huaqing Xie, Wei Yu*, Investigationon Silver Modification of Different Shaped Filler on the Heat ConductionPerformance Improvement for Silicone Elastomer, Frontiers in ThermalEngineering, 8 (2022).

  20. Lan Dong,Yifan Li*, Experimental identification of topography-based artifact phenomenon for micro-/nanoscale thermal characterization of polymericmaterials in scanning thermal microscopy, AIP Advances, 12 045311(2022)

  19. Yuan Zhang,Yifan Li*, Qiuxing Lei, Xiao Fang, Huaqing Xie, Wei Yu**, Tightly-packed fluorinated graphene aerogel/polydimethylsiloxane composite with excellent thermal management properties, Composites Science and Technology, 220 109302(2022)

  18. Guanzheng Wu, Naici Bing*,Yifan Li, Huaqing Xie, Wei Yu**, Three-dimensional directional cellulose-based carbon aerogels composite phase change materials with enhanced broadband absorption for light-thermal-electric conversion, Energy Conversion and Management, 256 115361(2022)

  17.Yifan Li*, Tong Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Chenggong Zhao, Niming Zheng, Wei Yu**, A comprehensive experimental study regarding size dependence on thermal conductivity of graphene oxide nanosheet, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 130 105764(2022)

  16.Yifan Li*, Han Lin, Nitin Mehra, Identification of thermal barrier areas in graphene oxide/boron nitride membranes by scanning thermal microscopy: thermal conductivity improvement through membrane assembling, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 4 4189-4198(2021)

  15. Lin Zhang, Junjie Pan, Eusebio D Cabrera, Paul D Garman, Min Wu,Yifan Li, Dan Zhang, Jianfeng Yu, Allen Y Yi, Jose Castro, L James Lee*, Highly Oriented Graphitic Networks Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition as Thermal Interface Materials, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59 22501-22508(2020)

  14. Molin Guo, Marjan Alsadat Kashfipour,Yifan Li, Russell S Dent, Jiahua Zhu*, João M Maia, Structure-Rheology-Property relationships in double-percolated Polypropylene/Poly (methyl methacrylate)/Boron nitride polymer composites, Composites Science and Technology, 198 108306(2020)

  13. Han Lin,Yifan Li, Jiahua Zhu*, Cross-linked GO membranes assembled with GO nanosheets of differently sized lateral dimensions for organic dye and chromium separation, Journal of Membrane Science, 598 117789(2020)

  12. Luyao Zheng, Tao Zhu,Yifan Li, Haodong Wu, Chao Yi, Jiahua Zhu*, Xiong Gong, Enhanced thermoelectric performance of F4-TCNQ doped FASnI3 thin films, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8 25431-25442(2020)

  11. Han Lin, Nitin Mehra,Yifan Li, Jiahua Zhu*, Graphite oxide/boron nitride hybrid membranes: The role of cross-plane laminar bonding for a durable membrane with large water flux and high rejection rate, Journal of Membrane Science, 593 117401(2020)

  10. Nitin Mehra,Yifan Li, Xutong Yang, Jing Li, Marjan Alsadat Kashfipour, Junwei Gu, Jiahua Zhu*, Engineering molecular interaction in polymeric hybrids: Effect of thermal linker and polymer chain structure on thermal conduction, Composites Part B: Engineering, 166 509-515(2019)

  9. Nitin Mehra, Madelyn Jeske, Xutong Yang, Junwei Gu, Marjan Alsadat Kashfipour,Yifan Li, Jessi Alan Baughman, Jiahua Zhu*, Hydrogen-bond driven self-assembly of two-dimensional supramolecular melamine-cyanuric acid crystals and its self-alignment in polymer composites for enhanced thermal conduction, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 1 1291-1300(2019)

  8. Han Lin, Shailesh Dangwal, Ruochen Liu, Seok-Jhin Kim,Yifan Li, Jiahua Zhu*, Reduced wrinkling in GO membrane by grafting basal-plane groups for improved gas and liquid separations, Journal of membrane science, 563 336-344(2018)

  7. Han Lin, Ruochen Liu, Shailesh Dangwal, Seok-Jhin Kim, Nitin Mehra,Yifan Li, Jiahua Zhu*, Permselective H2/CO2 separation and desalination of hybrid GO/rGO membranes with controlled pre-cross-linking, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 10 28166-28175(2018)

  6. Nitin Mehra,Yifan Li, Jiahua Zhu*, Small organic linkers with hybrid terminal groups drive efficient phonon transport in polymers, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 10327-10333(2018)

  5.Yifan Li, Nitin Mehra, Tuo Ji, Xutong Yang, Liwen Mu, Junwei Gu, Jiahua Zhu*, The stiffness–thermal conduction relationship at the composite interface: the effect of particle alignment on the long-range confinement of polymer chains monitored by scanning thermal microscopy, Nanoscale, 10 1695-1703(2018)

  4.Yifan Li, Nitin Mehra, Tuo Ji, Jiahua Zhu*, Realizing the nanoscale quantitative thermal mapping of scanning thermal microscopy by resilient tip–surface contact resistance models, Nanoscale Horizons, 3 505-516(2018)

  3. Nitin Mehra, Liwen Mu, Tuo Ji,Yifan Li, Jiahua Zhu*, Moisture driven thermal conduction in polymer and polymer blends, Composites Science and Technology, 151 115-123(2017)

  2. Liwen Mu, Jian He,Yifan Li, Tuo Ji, Nitin Mehra, Yijun Shi, Jiahua Zhu*, Molecular origin of efficient phonon transfer in modulated polymer blends: Effect of hydrogen bonding on polymer coil size and assembled microstructure, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121 14204-14212(2017)

  1. Liwen Mu,Yifan Li, Nitin Mehra, Tuo Ji, Jiahua Zhu*, Expedited phonon transfer in interfacially constrained polymer chain along self-organized amino acid crystals, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 9 12138-12145(2017)
